
Zoznámte sa s katalógom dostupných tréningov v oblasti fyzioterapie


Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization ®

Are you looking for the system that use exercises to help your patient? Do you need system that provides exercises for orthopedic, neurological or athletes ? We have something for you!


  • Vydanie 8 | Platba zálohy 224 EUR
    • Module A 06.12.24 - 08.12.24 | 535 EUR
    • Module B 21.03.25 - 23.03.25 | 312 EUR
  • Vydanie 9 | Platba zálohy 277 EUR
    • Module A 28.03.25 - 30.03.25 | 550 EUR
    • Module B 20.06.25 - 22.06.25 | 320 EUR


Women's Health Advance

Na ďalšom stupni odbornosti: Pokročilý tréning ženského zdravia pre absolventov základného kurzu


  • Vydanie 1 | Platba zálohy 315 EUR
    • Module II i III 02.10.25 - 05.10.25 | 465 EUR


DNS Women's Health

This course is for practitioners and is designed to enhance your clinical skills in applying DNS principles & manual techniques in clients with pelvic floor dysfunction.


  • Vydanie 2 | Platba zálohy 235 EUR
    • Module 14.02.25 - 16.02.25 | 350 EUR


Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization Kolara module C

Are you looking for the system that use exercises to help your patient? Do you need system that provides exercises for orthopedic, neurological or athletes ? We have something for you!


  • Vydanie 3 | Platba zálohy 200 EUR
    • Module C 25.04.25 - 27.04.25 | 335 EUR


Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization. Skills course with specific focus on foot dysfunction

This course is for practitioners who have taken DNS A course or Exercise I course previously.


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DNS Pediatric PRIMáRNY

Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization Pediatric Kolar module A and B

These DNS courses are based on neurophysiology, neuroanatomy, muscle physiology and kinesiology with an emphasis on diagnostics

DNS Pediatric PRIMáRNY

  • Vydanie 6 | Platba zálohy 235 EUR
    • module A 09.01.25 - 12.01.25 | 650 EUR
    • module B 27.02.25 - 02.03.25 | 420 EUR
  • Vydanie 7 | Platba zálohy 235 EUR
    • module A 07.08.25 - 10.08.25 | 650 EUR
    • module B 16.10.25 - 19.10.25 | 420 EUR

DNS Scoliosis PRIMáRNY

DNS Skills Course on Scoliosis

It is designed to enhance your clinical skills and confidence in applying DNS principles and manual techniques in clients with scoliosis and postural asymmetry.

DNS Scoliosis PRIMáRNY

V súčasnosti nie je vydané žiadne školenie. Ak máte záujem nechajte nás kontaktovať. Upozorníme vás, keď sa objaví nové vydanie.

DNS Strength Training PRIMáRNY

Strength Training

The DNS Weight Lifting Courses target strength coaches, personal trainers and clinical professionals working with athletes and/or utilizing weight training in their treatments.

DNS Strength Training PRIMáRNY

V súčasnosti nie je vydané žiadne školenie. Ak máte záujem nechajte nás kontaktovať. Upozorníme vás, keď sa objaví nové vydanie.


Fascial Manipulations

Fascial Manipulation is a manual therapy method that has been developed by Luigi Stecco, an Italian physiotherapist from the north of Italy. This method has evolved over the last 40 years through study and practice in the treatment of a vast [...]


  • Vydanie 11 | Platba zálohy 500 EUR
    • Fascial Manipulation I 26.07.25 - 31.07.25 | 1000 EUR
    • Fascial Manipulation II 25.10.25 - 30.10.25 | 750 EUR


Fascial Manipulation in Internal Dysfunctions

The Fascial Manipulation course program consists of three level intensive hands-on courses, combining theoretical lectures, demonstrations, and practice between participants throughout each course day. In the FM-3 Level 3 Fascial Manipulation [...]


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Neurodynamic Solutions

Based on his innovative new top rated and internationally acclaimed text, these widely hosted hands-on courses have been running for over five years and are offered globally, in the USA, Canada, UK, Scandinavia and Nordic regions, Europe, India, [...]


  • Vydanie 12 | Platba zálohy 295 EUR
    • Clinical Neurodynamics - Upper Quarter 08.05.25 - 11.05.25 | 820 EUR
    • Clinical Neurodynamics - Lower quarter 07.11.25 - 10.11.25 | 525 EUR

NeuroSeminars POKROčILý


This is an opportunity for those of you who have completed Neuroseminars 1-4 module to refresh and enhance you’re functional neurology knowledge and assessments plus learn more about cortical rehabilitation at different stages of life.

NeuroSeminars POKROčILý

  • Vydanie 2 | Platba zálohy 235 EUR
    • Module I 27.02.25 - 02.03.25 | 610 EUR

NeuroSeminars PRIMáRNY

II edition

Although neuroanatomy and neurology form a substantial part of the chiropractic undergraduate curriculum, very few chiropractors use this knowledge in the day-to-day treatment of their patients; it tends to be used solely to rule out gross neurological [...]

NeuroSeminars PRIMáRNY

  • Vydanie 1 | Platba zálohy 200 EUR
    • Module 1 - 4 days 09.05.25 - 12.05.25 | 800 EUR
    • Module 2 - 4 days 17.07.25 - 20.07.25 | 800 EUR
    • Module 3 - 4 days 25.09.25 - 28.09.25 | 600 EUR

NeuroSeminars Pediatric PRIMáRNY

NeuroSeminars Pediatric

Školenie z funkčnej neurológie pre špecialistov pracujúcich s deťmi

NeuroSeminars Pediatric PRIMáRNY

  • Vydanie 1 | Platba zálohy 200 EUR
    • Module I - 4 days 09.05.25 - 12.05.25 | 800 EUR
    • Module II 02.08.25 - 05.08.25 | 800 EUR
    • Module III - 4 days 13.11.25 - 16.11.25 | 600 EUR



New P-DTR course for those students who have finished learning all material from Intermediate and onwards. Due to demand from Students we have decided to put together a “Grand Rounds” Course.


  • Vydanie 2 | Platba zálohy 350 EUR
    • Module 19.07.25 - 20.07.25 | 350 EUR


Proprioceptive-Deep Tendon Reflex® - Advanced

Proprioceptive – Deep Tendon Reflex (P-DTR®) is a product of the original thought and investigations of orthopedic surgeon Dr. José Palomar. This work recognizes that proprioception (sensation of touch, pressure, hot, cold, pain, etc.), [...]


  • Vydanie 8 | Platba zálohy 200 EUR
    • Module 1 14.10.25 - 19.10.25 | 1150 EUR


Proprioceptive-Deep Tendon Reflex® - Intermediate Seminar

Proprioceptive – Deep Tendon Reflex (P-DTR®) is a product of the original thought and investigations of orthopedic surgeon Dr. José Palomar. This work recognizes that proprioception (sensation of touch, pressure, hot, cold, pain, etc.), [...]


  • Vydanie 10 | Platba zálohy 200 EUR
    • Module 1 20.05.25 - 24.05.25 | 1100 EUR
    • Module 2 12.08.25 - 16.08.25 | 1300 EUR


Proprioceptive-Deep Tendon Reflex

Proprioceptive – Deep Tendon Reflex (P-DTR®) is a product of the original thought and investigations of orthopedic surgeon Dr. José Palomar. This work recognizes that proprioception (sensation of touch, pressure, hot, cold, pain, etc.), [...]


  • Vydanie 16 | Platba zálohy 200 EUR
    • Module 1 14.05.25 - 19.05.25 | 1300 EUR
    • Moduł 2 07.08.25 - 11.08.25 | 1300 EUR
    • Moduł 3 15.10.25 - 19.10.25 | 1100 EUR

P-DTR Masterclass POKROčILý

P-DTR Masterclass Visuala Diagnosis

For the first time in Poland P-DTR Masterclass level! We are thrilled to invite You to take part in a course devoted to P-DTR practitioners! If You are eager to gain knowledge about visual diagnosis and update your P-DTR skills then You are [...]

P-DTR Masterclass POKROčILý

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Syntonic Camp PRIMáRNY

Warsztaty powtórkowe

Zajęcia powtórkowe dla uczestników szkoleń w firmie Syntonic.

Syntonic Camp PRIMáRNY

V súčasnosti nie je vydané žiadne školenie. Ak máte záujem nechajte nás kontaktovať. Upozorníme vás, keď sa objaví nové vydanie.

Webinar Fascial Manipulation PRIMáRNY

Natalie Brettler

Powtórz najważniejsze tematy w szybki i skuteczny sposób. Skorzystaj z webinarów z doświadczonymi wykładowcami i praktykami aby powtórzyć materiał i udoskonalić swój warsztat pracy

Webinar Fascial Manipulation PRIMáRNY

V súčasnosti nie je vydané žiadne školenie. Ak máte záujem nechajte nás kontaktovať. Upozorníme vás, keď sa objaví nové vydanie.

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+48 577 365 999

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