Neurodynamic Solutions
úroveň primárny
Based on his innovative new top rated and internationally acclaimed text, these widely hosted hands-on courses have been running for over five years and are offered globally, in the USA, Canada, UK, Scandinavia and Nordic regions, Europe, India, South America and Australia. These practical hands-on courses take the therapist from the old concepts of neural tension to a new concept of neurodynamics.
O školení
Upper and lower quarter lab/practical courses Being the originator of the concept of neurodynamics in physiotherapy, Michael Shacklock has expanded the concept to link with the musculoskeletal system. Based on his innovative new top rated and internationally acclaimed text, these widely hosted hands-on courses have been running for over five years and are offered globally, in the USA, Canada, UK, Scandinavia and Nordic regions, Europe, India, South America and Australia. These practical hands-on courses take the therapist from the old concepts of neural tension to a new concept of neurodynamics. Shacklock’s neurodynamic concept is presented clearly and methodically and offers the clinician new techniques for diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal problems with a neural component. The Shacklock concept helps the therapist select and perform new diagnostic and treatment techniques without provoking symptoms and progresses from the highly restricted patient to the athlete. These are illustrated with practical demonstrations and real-time imaging videos of neural movement techniques, collected exclusively by Michael Shacklock and the Neurodynamic Solutions (NDS) faculty. Key features of the courses include: ‣ lab/practical sessions with demonstrations and practising of techniques ‣ new neural testing and treatment techniques ‣ new systematic diagnosis and treatment approach ‣ integration of neural techniques with the musculoskeletal system ‣ systematic progressions from low to high levels of performance ‣ scientific support with evidence based research and real-time videos of nerve movement.
This lab/practical course offers monday morning neurodynamic solutions for the therapist in musculoskeletal practice.
Course Highlights
- 30:70 theory and practical
- strong hands-on and discussional elements
- many new manual techniques for the most significant neural problems seen in musculoskeletal practice
- systematic treatment progressions for radiculopathy (cervical and lumbar), shoulder, elbow and wrist, hip/piriformis, hamstrings and ankle and foot pain
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Viac informácií nájdete v zdieľaných materiáloch po registrácii na tréning!
- Clinical Neurodynamics - Upper Quarter
- Clinical Neurodynamics - Lower quarter
Clinical Neurodynamics - Upper Quarter
Concept of neurodynamics
Neurodynamic sequencing
Bilateral and contralateral neurodynamic testing
| Neuropathodynamics
Neurodynamic testing
Planning the physical examination
Diagnosis with neurodynamic tests
Method of treatment
Treatment progressions
Clinical Neurodynamics - Lower quarter
Concept of neurodynamics
Neurodynamic sequencing
Bilateral and contralateral neurodynamic testing
| Neurodynamic testing
Planning the physical examination
Diagnosis with neurodynamic tests
Method of treatment
Treatment progressions
Miesto kurzu
Dwór w Tomaszowicach
Krakowska 68
32-085 Tomaszowice
Dodatočné informácie:
Miesto kurzu
Krakowska 68
32-085 Tomaszowice
Dodatočné informácie:
Vydanie 12
Platba zálohy | 295 EUR | |
Clinical Neurodynamics - Upper Quarter 08.05.2025 – 11.05.2025 (Michael Shacklock) | 820 EUR | Umiestnenia |
Clinical Neurodynamics - Lower quarter 07.11.2025 – 10.11.2025 (Michael Shacklock) | 525 EUR | Umiestnenia |
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1) správcem Vašich osobních údajů je společnost SYNTONIC Dawid Kasolik ul. Jana III Sobieskiego 19, 32-650 Kęty. NIP: 549-236-83-97
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3) příjemci Vašich osobních údajů budou výhradně subjekty oprávněné získat osobní údaje pouze dle platných právních předpisů a také subjekty zabývající se zpracováním údajů
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7) poskytnutí osobních údajů je dobrovolné, avšak odmítnutí tyto údaje poskytnout může být důvodem pro odmítnutí přijmout přihlášku