úroveň primárny
Neurorevolution born 7 years ago. As trainer, i was boried about the standard vision of movement and training; as athlete, continuos injuries and plateau in exercise make me tired about. All this lead me to know something different that could help me and my clients to get more from movement. Since there, tons of studies about neuroscience applied to movement changed totally my approach. This is the reason because Neurorevolution is not a just a method but much more. Everything that you know until now regarding movement will be different.
O školení
What is NeuroRevolution?
Standard approach provides to train your body from the neck to the bottom. In Neurorevolution we think about training from neck to the top. We are able to do this working on Proprioceptive, Vestibular and Visual system to discover the real human potential. Everything will not be the same anymore. This is useful for everyone, from the people that don’t train to the professional athlete. Trough the activation of that system (proprioceptive, vestibular and visual) we can increase strength, stamina and work on pain relief (also chronic pain).
What you will learn on the course?
In this section we discover the basics of Neural Warm Up: from the bottom to the top, stimulating the proprioceptive system we regain a full mobility of every joint. Neural Warm Up will become immediately the standard pre activation system, fundamental from a non trained person to professional athletes.
This is the starting point for the complex movement basic mechanics: we learn how to use properly legs and arms to generate the right pattern for the torsion and spirals of the body. We work on three different type of activation for both legs and arms.
Joint Rhythm guarantee the best stability, speed and force production as never done before.
After teached to nervous system movement basics and prepared it to generate complex pattern, is time to improve sport specific training pattern.
Using torsion and spirals, moving all the body finding the right rhythm and coordination also involving the vestibular system, we generate highest performance for every kind of sport. This technique improve as never done before everything about movement. This is the key for the Pain Free Performance.
Kettlebell training:
Hardstyle basics and Torsion movement basics,
clean, press and snatch
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Viac informácií nájdete v zdieľaných materiáloch po registrácii na tréning!
- NeuroRevolution - module 1
NeuroRevolution - module 1
1. NeuroRevolution™ Workshop intro: movement, pain and performance
2. Reflexive Stability Modulation™
Reflexive Stability Modulation: Dynamic Joint Mobility based system targeted at improve movement, performance and pain relief
3. Joint Rhythm™ - Lower / Upper limb complex movement to restore velocity and force
Deceleration Program - Vestibular activation for Lifting Sports
4. MetronomeTraining™ workshop intro: from rhythm to movement
Metronome BPM assessment: how to find the right timing for each individuals
NeuroRevolution PRIMáRNY
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1) správcem Vašich osobních údajů je společnost SYNTONIC Dawid Kasolik ul. Jana III Sobieskiego 19, 32-650 Kęty. NIP: 549-236-83-97
2) Vaše osobní údaje budou zpracovány za účelem navázání kontaktu na základě: Čl. 6 odst. 1 písm. f obecného nařízení o ochraně osobních údajů ze dne 27. dubna 2016 (RODO) jako oprávněného zájmu správce
3) příjemci Vašich osobních údajů budou výhradně subjekty oprávněné získat osobní údaje pouze dle platných právních předpisů a také subjekty zabývající se zpracováním údajů
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6) máte právo podat stížnost dozorčímu orgánu
7) poskytnutí osobních údajů je dobrovolné, avšak odmítnutí tyto údaje poskytnout může být důvodem pro odmítnutí přijmout přihlášku